Category Archives: Tutors

Summer Tutoring Works

Don’t waste the summer. Instead, tutor every day and your student will make amazing progress, as this parent shared:

When our son finished second grade, the school evaluated his reading level. It was 1.9, which meant he was a full year behind.

After only 2 months of tutoring him myself over the summer every day, using the Barton Reading & Spelling System, he has improved greatly. The school tested him at the beginning of this year, third grade, and his reading is now 3.2 to 5.0.

His self-confidence is so much better than it was a year ago. He will even read out loud in Sunday school in front of his friends.

Recently, there was a story about a dyslexic boy in their lesson. Our son raised his hand and shared that he has dyslexia, too. Jonah explained that he was born with it, and that he can read just as well as any of them, it just sometimes takes him a little longer.

Bless you for what you have done for our son.

Eileen Carter
Gainesville, FL

Brian Has Been Completely Remediated

This is why Susan Barton warns parents that if their child needs testing to prove dyslexia, do not wait until they have finished the Barton System. 

I wanted to share some exciting news about my son, Brian, who is now 16.

He was diagnosed with severe dyslexia when he was 10.

He needed an updated educational evaluation for accommodations on the college entrance exams. He was evaluated by Dr. Varia, Ph.D. from Mindwell Psychology. She has a strong specialty in dyslexia.

After Dr. Varia tested him, she told me that she would not have known Brian has dyslexia had I not told her prior to the exam. Her testing did not pick it up. She said Brian has been completely remediated. I was stunned!

I knew your program was the best, but I had no idea that it could improve Brian’s reading and spelling skills to the point that his dyslexia became undetectable.

So from the bottom of our hearts, thank you so very much!

Amy Summers, parent
and Certified Barton Tutor at the Advanced Level
Oakton, VA

Parents and teachers call it a miracle

Susan Barton loves hearing from Barton tutors who monitor progress using normed standardized tests, as Karyl does:

I have been using the Barton Reading & Spelling System for 16 years. The growth in my students reading and spelling skills is amazing.

I use the Word Identification and Spelling Test (the WIST) to monitor progress.

Most of my students have scores in only the 1st to 5th percentile on their first day of tutoring.

I give the WIST again at the end of Level 4. Their reading and spelling scores then range from 45th to 55th percentile.

But I urge parents to continue the tutoring process because by the end of Level 8, their children’s reading and spelling scores jump to the 75th to 95th percentile — way above their peers.

Parents and teachers call it a miracle. But I know it is the Barton System that makes their success possible. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Karyl Rapport
Certified Barton Tutor at the Advanced Level
Los Angeles, CA

I Love Tutoring My Granddaughter Remotely

Grandparents can play such an important role in helping a grandchild, as this grandmother shared:

I love tutoring my nine-year-old granddaughter remotely with the Barton System. She lives 1,000 miles away, yet I can still help her.

Before Barton, learning to read was a daily struggle for her,  and she was often in tears. She was recently diagnosed with severe-to-profound dyslexia.

The Barton System has turned this around for her in just 2 ½ months.

Her parents share that she is now cheerful and looks forward to our online tutoring sessions. Those sessions have brought us closer together.

And her mother recently caught her reading signs at the gas station.

Thank you for developing the Barton System. It’s brilliant.

Joyce Ulshafer, grandmother
Brea, CA

The Barton System helps children so much!

I love it when tutors get this excited about their students’ success.

My students have been in Barton for about a year. Their teachers are excited by the improvement in their reading and spelling.

But I love their new feelings of self-worth and confidence.

Teachers share that my students now participate in class discussions on a variety of topics — something they did not do before.

Parents share their kids are now reading bigger books at home.

That’s why I recommend the Barton System to my friends whose children struggle with reading and spelling.

Thanks so much for creating a way to give children their confidence back.

Rosalie Sweigart
Barton tutor at a small private school
Jayess, MS

Regained his self-confidence

I love getting emails like this:

Five years ago, my son was struggling terribly. He was in third grade and could no longer mask the difficulty he was having with reading fluency.

Homework drove him to tears. It had gotten so bad that he would hit himself in the head and call himself “stupid.” It broke my heart.

Today, Nolan completed the Barton Reading & Spelling System with Janis Garcia, a wonderful Certified Barton Tutor. He proudly received his certificate signed by Susan Barton.

Nolan is excelling in school, but perhaps more importantly, he has regained his self-confidence.

I can’t thank you enough for all you have done to drive awareness, to advocate, and to provide resources for addressing the needs of children with dyslexia. It has made all the difference in the world for our family.

Kim Shinmoto, parent
Sunnyvale, CA

Never in 30 years

I would like share how very impressed I am with the Barton System.

As a Special Education teacher with more than three decades of teaching experience, I have used many different reading programs over the years. But I have never before encountered anything as comprehensive as your system. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into developing a true quality product.

The difference it is making for my dyslexic students is really impressive. Their reading and spelling skills, plus general self-esteem, grow visibly with each tutoring session.

I love using your program!

Anne Parker
The Open Door Educational Services
Ottawa, Canada

After 45 years of feeling worthless

This is why adults are my favorite type of student: 

Howard will be graduating from Level 10 of the Barton System in a few weeks.

Howard is an adult who was referred to us from a literacy center because they were not able to help him.

When Howard was young and in school, he was teased mercilessly because he could not read. He defended himself the only way he knew how — with his fists. The schoolyard scuffles turned into street fights, knife fights, and jail time.

When he came to us, he could not read the word “cat.”

He did not pass your student screening, so I had to start him with LiPS program and then took him into Level 1. He made slow but steady progress, although he considered dropping out because he felt the early words were too babyish. Luckily, he stuck with it, and he continued to improve.

Once, when we were walking out, I said to him, “You’re getting a little better each day.” He replied, “And I’m holding my head a little higher each day.” After 45 years of feeling worthless, he finally started feeling good about himself.

I wish I could say this story has a happy ending. Sadly, last April, Howard was diagnosed with ALS and the doctors only gave him 1-2 years. It’s been hard watching this once big, strong man deteriorate so much. He’s lost most of the control of his muscles, but his mind still works. We’ve been working very hard to finish the Barton System before the inevitable occurs.

I’m happy to say Howard will complete the entire Barton program in a few weeks. This is important because Howard has never achieved any scholastic success of any kind in his life. Your graduation certificate will be his first diploma of any kind.

Of the hundreds of students I’ve seen at the Dyslexia Reading Connection, none have made me more proud than Howard. He’s worked his tail off despite ever increasing obstacles, he’s never complained, and he’s always worked hard. I’m so happy to see him finally succeed in an academic pursuit.

Peter Ducklow
Dyslexia Reading Connection
Appleton, WI

Another hero

This woman is another one of my heroes.

My own dyslexia was a gift from God. Meeting you was another. Thank you for all you have done to change the lives of children and their families.

Over the past decade, I have personally witnessed the success of over one hundred students whom I have tutored using the Barton System.

One of my former students graduated valedictorian and is now in vet school.


Another took herself out of special ed classes when she was in 8th grade, and she graduated with honors last year. She actually said to me, “You saved my life.”

Another worked as a night cleaner at a fast-food restaurant until he could read all the items on the menu. He was then promoted to trainer of the night cleaners. Eventually he changed jobs to become a line cook at a fancy restaurant. This young man, who began the Barton System when he was a senior in high school, now works for a well-known soda company, is married, and has 2 children.

Yet at age 18, when we started, he said, “I will never learn how to read and write. My teachers say I have a learning disability, and that’s why I am so dumb.”

After I left the public school system, I began a ministry at my church called 3H Tutoring: Help, Hope and Honor for Struggling Readers. My pastors are very supportive and have announced this ministry to the congregation.

We now have 17 students and 3 tutors: myself and 2 trained volunteers. We have seen remarkable gains in our students’ standardized test scores, an incredible gain in their self-confidence, and a newly-found love of books and literature.

Thank you for helping me save the lives, and change the future, of these wonderful students.

TerraBeth Jochems
Founder of 3H Tutoring
Billings, MT

Barton System is a Life Changer

The right type of tutoring changes everything — as this parent shares:

The Barton System changed my daughter’s life. She COULD NOT read or spell at all. She was diagnosed with dyslexia in 1st grade, and we immediately started her on this system. I purchased levels 1, 2 and 3 and tutored her myself.

It is incredibly easy to learn this system and then teach it. Susan Barton has done an exemplary job of making a product that will benefit both the student and the tutor.


My daughter finished all ten levels and is now in 9th grade. She is reading well above grade level, loves sitting in her room reading a novel, and has an A in English — for the third year in a row. She understands the rules of spelling, she knows the strategies needed to read and comprehend, and she is ever so happy.

If you are hesitating on starting your child on this system – DON’T. You will not regret it at all.

I will warn you that it is sometimes tedious and frustrating; however, it makes sense. I will not lie and say that she loved every minute of tutoring. However, she made an enormous amount of progress fairly early on, which gave her the encouragement to keep going.

I cannot emphasize enough just how wonderful this product is. Susan Barton knocked it out of the park with this one. Best purchase ever.

Donna Gisbert, parent
Lakewood, CA