Poor spelling is the most obvious sign of dyslexia

I get the most heartbreaking emails from adults who are still ashamed of their spelling.

Here is what one had to do to pass her weekly spelling test:

I HATED spelling and am ashamed to admit that I even cheated on my spelling tests.

In fourth grade, my teacher would always ask the words in the same order they were in the book. So I would have a sheet of paper with the words already written out underneath my blank paper on which I “took the test.”

I would then turn in the prewritten sheet. I even purposely wrote a word wrong now and then to make it more believable.

I have never gotten over being ashamed of that.

Or this one:

If you were standing in front of me right now, I would hug you. How different my life could have been if you were around 40 years ago.

I’m 48 years old, dyslexic, and working (I should say struggling 🙂 on a Master’s degree in Communication. I am trying to create a teaching module that will incorporate dyslexia and empathy. During my research, I came across your website and just finished watching your lecture.

It was as if you had been sitting on my shoulder during my entire childhood.

I completely forgot about having my full name written on a piece of paper that my mom tucked into my sock each day — so that I could pull it out and copy it any time I had to write both of my names in elementary school.

Or this one:

I am 42 years old, and I have dyslexia and ADHD.

I have taught myself to read pretty well, but I still have a very hard time writing and spelling. It takes me hours to write a paper.

I was diagnosed in 1976 but never got the right type of tutoring. I graduated on a 3rd grade reading level, and I was in Special Ed classes for years.

Do you think I still have a chance to become a good writer with the right kind of teaching? I still have a very hard time writing and spelling. It takes me hours to write a paper.

In the time it took me to write this email, I could have written a small book. And I never send anything out without checking it many times.

If I could have overcome dyslexia when I was younger, I would have become an attorney or a legislator.

Or this one, from the president of a small company:

I am sending you this letter with spell check off just so you can see what I am deeling with. I am 44 years old I have ben diganocsed with dyslexa when I was a child I was in special classed when going through public shoole. I have allways been able to read slower of corse but I have great compratintion of what I read.

I know own my own mechanical contractiong companie and employ 25 people. I have always been embarsed about my spelling and gramer up untill about 10 years ago. Now I have my office manager proof read everything I send out and half the time I cant read what I wrought down myself. I have gotten to the point in my carrear that I am have been sucsesfull enogh that I don’t care what others think about my spelling and gramer well I guess that is not 100% true or I would not be sending you and email.

The sipelist words through me off have had there were where when I always seem to miss use them I must spell has 50% of the time hase and the same thing with had I spell hade.

It is so tyring trying to send out email that I don’t have time for my assistant the check the spelling and gramer so I send it out after reading it 5 pluss times just to see the next day when I read the email back I left out words completely. I don’t understand how I can read the same thing over and over again and not notice I lift out the or ‘s I seam to do it all the time. My spelling is so bad most of the time there is not another word close enoghf tha spell check can figure it out.

Do you think your program would haelp me deal with this issue or shoud I just have anything I right be proof read?

Yes, the Barton Reading & Spelling System will greatly improve the spelling of children, teenagers, and adults with dyslexia.

And adults with dyslexia are more ashamed of their spelling – than their slow and inaccurate reading.

F on Spelling Test (1)

5 responses

  1. My 13 year old daughter is currently being tested for dyslexia. She is sooo frustrated I really feel for her. Her school has been tremendous and she is well looked after but what can I do???
    Regards Benita

  2. dinesh kumar madhwal | Reply

    My both sons 14y & 12y suffring from dyslexia i knew it since they were 5y&3y old but i halpless because i live in rurle area of india kindly suggest me how can i improve reading writting&learning knowlage of them.

  3. My daughter has severe dyslexia and is now in 5th grade. One issue that needs attention is the requirements in LA to read and complete quizzes on books… or a minimum AR points per week. This is such a ridiculous and unfair measurement for students with Dyslexia. In the previous school grades there has been field trips for students that attain a certain amount of AR points. This year, if my student doesn’t meet weekly points, then she misses extra activities.ou don’t reach a minimum AR points. It is very unfair to her because she will be in this situation all year.

  4. My 3rd grader has been struggling with spelling since forever. He was in reading groups thru 2nd grade. When tested in the beginning, he was reading at the primer level; at the end he was reading at 3rd grade level. He can read well, but spelling, that’s another story. The reading groups teacher said he is not dislexic (sp?). He can distinguish the sounds, etc. according to her. However, most spelling tests, he flunks. Is like he writes the words phonetically. A few times, here and there, he gets them right (like last week, only missed two).

  5. Yes, spelling is a nemesis even today! I get frustrated when I have to use a less interesting word because I know how to spell it. Fortunately, there are many, many computer programs to help us dyslexics. I don’t catch everything, but we all, dyslexic or not, can blame that on “auto-correct”:)

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